Kirin J Callinan / Other Songs
Kirin J Callinan / Other Songs
Worse Records & Select Music presents…

Kirin J Callinan / Other Songs

+ very special guest
John Curtin Hotel (Carlton, VIC)
Friday, 4 April 2025 8:00 pm
11 days away
18 Plus
Australian Artists

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Australian avant-pop provocateur & icon Kirin J Callinan takes to the stage in 2025, at the intimate Melbourne institution The Curtin he’s played many times before. But that's where the familiarities stop.
The set performed will feature a selection o’ songs not usually, if ever, played live before. Deep album cuts from Embracism, Bravado, Return To Center and If I Could Sing, stand-alone singles such as The Teacher, Dumb Enough, Thighs or New Music Friday, &/or yet to be realised or released new works, fleshed out & worked out live for the very first, or second, time.
Don't miss this unique opportunity to see one of Australia's most revered, spontaneous, generous & chaotic live performers playing songs he's otherwise forgotten or that he's never actually learned how.